Microsoft OneNote

OneNote gives users an easily organized, tabbed workspace on which they can type notes, draw, grab links, and insert a variety of media. When connected to a Microsoft account, OneNote data will be synchronized between all your devices.

You may already have OneNote if you have Microsoft Office, or Windows 8 or newer.

Get OneNote for free on all your devices. (Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OSX (OS ten!))

If you don’t have a Microsoft account (e-mail addresses ending with,,, or you should go to and sign up for one.

Where to Create Your OneNote Notebook

Note: OneNote for Windows 10 only supports cloud-based notebooks. If you prefer to store your notes on your computer’s disk drive, you’ll need to use OneNote 2016 for Windows. The OneNote for Windows 10 app won’t be able to read your disk-based OneNote 2016 notebooks unless you move these notebooks to your OneDrive account and then open them from that location.

If you’re using OneNote 2016 (Desktop version), and your goal is to have OneNote synchronized with multiple devices and/or multiple locations, then you should create your notebooks in OneDrive.


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