Getting Started on a Plant-Based Lifestyle

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Ornish Lifestyle Medicine by Dean Ornish, MD and Anne Ornish

  • Book: Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases
    • Fight cancer, diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, and even the aging process itself with one simple, scientifically proven plan to reverse disease—as well as prevent and reduce symptoms—from the world-renowned pioneer of lifestyle medicine.
  • Dr. Ornish’s 37 years of research has scientifically proven that the integrative lifestyle changes he recommends can:
    • Improve chronic conditions – such as heart disease, diabetes and prostate cancer
    • Change gene expression, turning on health-promoting genes & turning off disease-promoting genes.
    • Lengthen telomeres — the ends of chromosomes — which begins to reverse aging on a cellular level.
  • When you make comprehensive lifestyle choices, most people find that they feel so much better, so quickly, it re-frames the reason for changing from fear of dying to joy of living.
  • Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease is the first program scientifically proven to “undo” (reverse) heart disease by making comprehensive lifestyle changes.
  • Must Watch: Rich Roll Podcast : Dr. Dean & Anne Ornish: The Power of Lifestyle Medicine To Undo Disease & Live Better (alternate on YouTube)

Getting Started


Eric Adams


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  • Stop Mocking Vegans: They’re right about ethics and the environment. If you won’t join them, at least respect their effort to build a sustainable future. (NY Times)

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