In any profession, that you want to be successful in, you must stay informed on the current state of the industry, the technologies used, the state of the market, and what’s coming in the future.
You’ll want to make educated decisions on which direction you may need to focus your efforts/energies/time. You may have to pivot, and/or expand what you’re doing, or change all together. Don’t stay stuck with a limited skill-set.
Sources for Tech & Security News
- Troy Hunt
- Krebs on Security
- Ars Technica
- Threat Post
- Bleeping Computer: Security News
- InfoSec Industry
- The Hacker News
- Dark Reading
- US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team)
- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- The Register – Independent news and views for the tech community
- ZDNet Security News Articles
- IBM X-Force Exchange Threat Intelligence: Speed Security Investigations
- Router Security
- The State of Security by
- Get Trending Threat Insights Delivered to Your Inbox With Our Free
- Cyber Daily (
- Podnutz Pro: Talks about working with and the needs of small businesses, and the technology, and processes used.
- Is a proxy to searching, with privacy protection. Anonymizes your search.
Netcasts / Podcasts: News, Interviews, Tips
- Internet Storm Center StormCasts: Listen to a daily wrapup of events from the SANS Internet Storm Center.
- Risky Business: Show starts with news, delivered by people who are very familiar with each story. Then the show does two interviews with a security expert, then a vendor.
- Down the Security Rabbit Hole: Weekly security podcast covering news and events in the security realm. They often do interviews with security professionals and go over more of the business aspect of security.
- Darknet Diaries: True stories from the dark side of the Internet. This is a podcast about hackers, breaches, shadow government activity, hacktivism, cybercrime, and all the things that dwell on the hidden parts of the network. This is Darknet Diaries.
- Tech News Today Netcast/Podcast (
- Smashing Security Netcast/Podcast with Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault
- Windows Weekly Netcast/Podcast Hosted by: Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley, Paul Thurrott(
- Going Linux is for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done. News, tips, etc.
- Rsync and Grsync Backups for Linux
- SecurityNow! Netcast/Podcast by Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte (