DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.
Devops Engineers – Our community comprises a global membership of engineers engaged in discussions about DevOps, encompassing areas like infrastructure, automation, and continuous integration. Our aim is to enhance the field of Site Reliability and Platform Engineering. We focus on supporting and acknowledging its professionals, providing education, and promoting mutual assistance.
100 Days of DevOps / 101 Days of DevOps – The main idea behind this was to spend at least one hour of every day for the next 100 days in Sharing DevOps knowledge.
DevOps Roadmap – Step by step guide for DevOps, SRE or any other Operations Role in 2023
AWS (Amazon Web Services) DevOps Guidance – Drawing from Amazon’s own transformative journey and the expertise gained by AWS in managing cloud services at global scale, the AWS Well-Architected Framework DevOps Guidance offers a structured approach that organizations of all sizes can follow to cultivate a high-velocity, security-focused culture capable of delivering substantial business value using modern technologies and DevOps best practices.
The DevOps Handbook, Second Edition by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis, Nicole Forsgren – How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations.
The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford – A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win.
DORA’s Research Program applies behavioral science methodology to uncover the predictive pathways which connect ways of working, via software delivery performance, to organizational goals and individual well-being.