News & Tools
- CryptoHarlem – Nonprofit AntiSurveillance, Cybersecurity Education & Advocacy. Check out the live stream of CryptoHarlem on, Fri. 1pm-2pm.
- New Dell BIOS Bugs Affect Millions of Inspiron, Vostro, XPS, Alienware Systems
- New Browser-in-the Browser (BITB) Attack Makes Phishing Nearly Undetectable
- Microsoft and Okta Confirm Breach by LAPSUS$ Extortion Group
How Routers Talk to Each Other
Routing Tables
- The minimum fields needed in a routing table:
Field | Description |
Mask | The network prefix (in CIDR notation) of the destination network |
Network address | The network address of the destination/target network |
Interface | The network interface used to get to the next hop router. a.k.a. “Exit Interface” Think… From the router you’re on, which interface do I have to send the packet out of, to get it to the neighboring router? |
Next Hop IP address | The IP address of the neighbor router closest to the router you are working on. Think… From the router I am on, what is the IP address of the closest router to me, I must forward the packet to, to get that packet to the destination network? |
Router Configuration Checklist
- Identify the interfaces on the router to be used.
- Identify the directly connected networks.
- Determine the network address of each directly connected network.
- Configure the IP address and subnet mask on only those interfaces on the router that are going to be used.
- Enable the interface(s) : no shutdown
- Add a description to the interface
- Add the routing protocol
- Add only “directly connected” networks to the routing protocol of the router.
Lab-01: Building Routing Tables
- Download Lab-01 Assets zip from the Downloads page
- Overview Diagram (png)
- Network Diagram (pdf)
- Worksheet (docx)
- You must be in class to get credit for this lab.
Cisco IOS and Router Command Reference
Read / Watch / Do
CCNA Certification Study Guide, Volume 2
- Read Chapter 7 : (Layer 2 Switching)
- Do the Written Labs
- Answer the Review Questions
- Do not submit your answers for this chapter. The answers are in Appendix.